Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Maxwell - Year 1

One year ago today I gave birth to my second baby boy - Maxwell James Bravo.

You were born five days past your due date on May 25, 2016.  You weighed 8 lbs, 12 ounces, and were 21" long.

You looked so much and continue to look so much like your big brother.  You had brown hair and blue eyes.  I have no idea how I became so lucky to have two boys with such beautiful blue eyes!  In the first few months since you were born, I would like to send your Daddy pictures of you and your brother when he was a baby to see if he could tell who was who- that is how alike you looked.

A Little Bit About....

Me and You-
You love me so much!  There are moments when only I can soothe you and it makes my heart so happy when you run up and hug me with your giant smile!  I cherish every moment that I get to cuddle you and rock you to sleep - even though you keep me up even a year in.

You hate it when I work.  For a long time, if I took you into the office, you would become so upset because perhaps you knew that my attention would be divided.  It didn't matter how awesome of a play area I set up for you, you just wouldn't have it - so I would have to get most of my work done after you went to sleep at night or try to get it in during your nap time.

We like to go on walks together.  If it's a nice day out, I put you in the stroller and we just walk around the neighborhood.  You stay quiet and just like to take in the scenery and it gives us some nice peaceful time together.

You keep me entertained at the grocery store - and always on my toes!  You don't like to sit in the cart, you are a little daredevil.  You like to stand on the seat and watch where we are going.  You are impossible to strap down.  Most of the time, I am holding you by the waist and guiding the cart with my elbows.

You and Daddy-
Your daddy and I might be tied for second place as your favorite people.  You would love it when Daddy would strap you into the baby bjorn and walk around the house with you.  You say goodbye to him every morning and wave as he leaves.  When he comes home, we are normally outside waiting for him and when he opens his door, you lunge inside to give him a big hug.

When Daddy comes home, he likes to take you and brother upstairs while I work on dinner.  There are a lot of times that I'll be in the kitchen and hear crashes and thuds from upstairs and all of you laughing hysterically.  You guys are crazy.

Daddy also bathes you on most bath nights and has a hard time keeping you sitting in the tub. Any day now, we'll have to separate you and your brother just to keep most of the water in the tub!

On the occasions when I can't calm you down, Daddy has the magic touch.  You like to climb him, ride on his shoulders, and pull his hair.  You also like to play on the couch - you just run around on it while Daddy makes sure that you don't do anything too crazy!

You and Mason-
Mason wins first place for your favorite person ever!  When you first started laughing, you would only laugh for him!  He can almost always get a smile out of you and he loves to take care of you.  He gets upset when he can't give you a hug and a kiss and will even refuse to give me one if he hasn't given you one first.

There has not been one moment of jealousy between the two of you since we brought you home.  He loves to tell his friends about you and show you off at school.  He likes to help you get toys and cover you with blankets.

We already have to scold the two of you for playing too rough.  You guys wrestle and have fun - he can get too rough and you pull his hair.  I can't believe that I already have to talk to the both of you about how silly you are together!

You -
You love us so much.  You are an amazing little hugger - you hug with your whole body.  For the first few months of your life, you just loved to be held and you wanted to keep moving.  There were hours at a time, where whoever was holding you would have to walk laps around the house - if we stopped moving, you would immediately voice your disapproval!

You are a lot like your brother.  You wanted to hit all of the physical milestones early - sitting, pulling yourself up, crawling, and walking.  You did everything early.  You even started climbing the stairs way before we thought that we would have to even think about it.

You like to be outside.  If ever you are to a point of fussiness that we can't seem to calm you, we just take you outside.  The sun, the breeze, the grass - it all makes you happy and calm.  You can spend a limitless amount of time just pushing toys around in the driveway.

You have been an absolute treasure added to our family, making us feel a level of completeness that we didn't know was missing.  Maxwell James, we love you.  Happy 1st Birthday!

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