Once upon a time..... nah, just kidding. Our story isn't exactly a fairytale... but I'll toot our own horn and say that it is pretty darn cute :)
Thomas and I met in high school through mutual friends when I was 14 and he was 15. We hung out all the time and by my sophomore year we were romantically involved. Well, as romantic as 15-years-olds can be. We would hold hands and hang out when we could.... but all in all we were besties. After my sophomore year my family moved off the mountain to be closer to our family's business in Los Angeles. The distance was difficult for us, especially since we were so young. Looking back it seems crazy that we were so into each other and so sure of our future together when we were still kids!
We made it through high school but when I was a senior and Thomas was a freshman in college it threw a wrench in our plans. I was in La Verne and he moved to San Diego to get his college on at Point Loma. The two hours between us proved to be too much. We broke up... but we stayed in constant contact. We were still best friends after all.
After high school, I enrolled at Cal Poly Pomona University and got my bachelor's in Liberal Studies. Thomas meanwhile got his Bachelor's in Biology/Chemistry and then started applying for medical school. I remember talking to him and hoping that he would go to Loma Linda- which was only 35 minutes away from me. I thought it would be really cool if we could hang out again. Low and behold Thomas was accepted. I even used one of our company's work trucks to help him move out of his Point Loma apartment into his new one in Redlands. I feel it's only appropriate for me to quote Forrest Gump right here: We was like peas and carrots ah-gain. Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Since we were now so close to each other we hung out a lot. It was all platonic for quite a few months. We knew that if we started dating again that it could either be the best thing ever or the destruction of our friendship- so I was extremely hesitant at first. Thomas was too important to me to want to risk it. My family still loved him so he would come to family events when we had them. It wasn't until my dad's birthday in 2006 that I realized that there was more to my feelings for Thomas.... again. In June, we became Thomas & Lindsey- the couple.
After a year and a half, Thomas popped the question on December 30th, 2008. I, of course, happily accepted. On September 5th, 2009 we were married.
And that's the story of us.