Our Fur Kids

From the outside we look like crazy cat people.  Maybe I am- but Thomas definitely isn't.  And I guess I'm not so much a crazy cat person, as I am a crazy animal person in general ;)

All together our little family has four cats.  I feel the need to explain to everyone that crosses the threshold of our house that Thomas and I both had two cats of our own before we were married- we didn't know that we would have this many!  But we do- and we love them (most of the time).
Our first is Rascal- very appropriately named!  Rascal is our lanky and rambunctious cat.  Thomas says that he found Rascal at the bottom of a kitten pile at the shelter.  Also known as "Orangehead," Rascal likes to get into things.  It's because of him that the cat food is kept in a thick plastic bin locked away in our pantry- if we left it in the bag Rascal would chew straight thru it!  Rascal likes to sunbathe and stretch out wherever you would be most comfortable.  He loves laser pointers and is quite the jumper!  He is also our Alpha (we have two of them- him and Misty) and likes to boss the other cats around.  If you hear a cat hissing or a fight brewing, you can bet that Rascal is causing it.
Second is Xerox.  Thomas named him because when he first got him, he looked like a Xerox copy of Rascal.  Xerox is our most feral of our four.  He isn't vicious- but he is very weary of people- even us!  The story goes that when Thomas saw him at the shelter, he was cowering in the corner of the cage.  When Thomas picked him up, he tucked his head into Thomas elbow and side because he was terrified!  That sealed the deal- Thomas knew he had to bring him home.  Xerox is our sweetheart.  Once he warms up to you and you start petting him- it's hard to get rid of him!  He'll even nip your fingers if you stop.  The best way to get rid of him is to pretend to sneeze- that will send him running!  But watch out for those claws!  
 Misty is my first little kitty- named Misty because when she was itty bitty she would pee on things.  She's better now that she's older- but still has a hard time getting some peaceful bathroom time thanks to Rascal. I rescued her from the back alley of my duplex when I was in college.  She was so small- and had just been left outside with nothing but a flea collar.  She was a very energetic kitten.  She's a rough player- but you know when her play bites turn into go-away-now bites.  Misty is our second Alpha which further explains why she bumps heads (and claws) with Rascal.  She is great with Mason and would love to watch him when he was a newborn.  She is most fond of hanging out at the highest point in any room and likes to rub up against the sink faucets (what a weirdo).
Asha is our youngest cat.  I rescued her from the yard of my families company in Los Angeles.  I kept her in part because Misty was so energetic that she needed a playmate to calm her down.  Asha did just that.  Asha is also part Siamese- which means that she gets particularly attached to one person- me.  We also call her the Sloth because she is so very lazy.  She's always sleeping and if she has to jump over something to get somewhere, she will just cry.  She also has a short term memory- if you scare her she will run away but come back in the room seconds later if you call her.  Asha and I have 'conversations' with one another and she likes to sleep with me (not on the foot of the bed, but actually up spooning with me and her head on my pillow) every night.  
 Anyway, this is our brood- or clowder rather- of cats!  Now you know why I always have cat hair on me... even when I just spent 20 minutes using a lint roller to get it all off of me!

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