Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mason - Year 1

You were born two days before your due date on the 2nd of May in 2012- but your Dad and I were ready to meet you!  You weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and were 20.5" long. 

You had dark brown hair when you were first born (I won the bet with your dad, who thought you would be blonde) but the older you got, the lighter your hair became.  Your eyes, however, stayed very blue.  I love your blue eyes.  You looked very much like me when you were super little but are looking more and more like your dad as time passes. 

Here is a little bit about the different parts of your life right now.

Me- Your Mommy:
I was meant to be your mommy.  I am so very lucky.  I get to spend every day with you and hug you and kiss you whenever I want.  My job let me work from home, so you didn't have to go into daycare.  Up until you started crawling around, I would hold you in one arm and work on the computer with the other.  You were always so content just having a little play area to yourself while I worked away at my desk. 
I was so attached to you when you were born that I cried when I had to leave the room.  I couldn't even leave the house without you until you were over 4 months old!  You are my little boy!  When you get upset, I can sing to you or put on some music and it calms you. 
You didn't like bottles or pacifiers, but before you even knew how to suck your own thumb, you would find mine!
 You have been very patient with me always taking your picture.  Every week I make you put on your white onesie and lay on a piece of fabric so that I can document your growth.  You are a great little subject.
 You like when I chase you around the house.  You squeal and run away.  Inevitably I catch up to you and you start laughing.  You like when I pretend to gobble you up and let you run away again- even though you know I will just catch you again.  You like to be scared and we love hearing your delighted screams!

 Your Daddy:

Your daddy loves you so much.  He works very hard to give us the nice life that we have.  I'm thankful for the sacrifices that he makes for us.  He works very long hours to provide for us even though he would much rather be home with us.  When you were first born, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.  You are our little miracle. 
I like to catch you guys napping together.  It is one of the sweetest moments that I have ever experienced between the two of you.
Since I get to spend all day with you, Daddy takes care of your bedtime routine.  He works very hard so that he doesn't miss your bath time.  That is Daddy time.  He plays with your toys in the tub and blows bubbles for you to play with .  After your bath is story time.  You love to touch the books.
When we go out, Daddy takes charge!  He straps you in the baby bjorn and walks around with pride.  You are Daddy's little boy.
You also like to walk around on Daddy's shoulders.  Your favorite thing to do with him is to be on his shoulders while he runs around.  You throw your hands in the air and wave them around while yelling with excitement.  It's so much fun to watch you!  Sometimes you even bend around to see Daddy's face as if to say, "Hello!"

You two are so important to me.  You love your Daddy and your Daddy loves you!

Your Kitty Siblings:
Your kitty brothers and sisters love you very much... especially now that you have started dropping food on the floor!   You give them a bunch of new comfortable places to sleep and keep them alert with you always following them around!  I frequently have to take Misty and Rascal off of your changing table.  They think it's just another cat bed.  Asha and Xerox love to hide under your crib.  Your dad and I have had to sneak in there several times in the middle of the night because we accidentally locked them in there with you and they are screaming to get out.

When you first came home, Misty liked to watch you.  She seemed interested and protective of you.  She likes you more than she likes your Daddy!  She knows that you are her family.
Asha is Asha.  She will let me plop you on top of her and she won't move a muscle.  She is our little sloth.  If you try to get to her, she'll just grunt.  She might eventually move if you bother her enough, but she is forgetful and will come wandering back into the room 30 seconds after she leaves.
Xerox likes to join us while you are eating.  If you are still or sleeping on your Boppy, he will try to even climb on top of you to sleep.  For most of your life so far, this cat has been much heavier than you.  When I feed you a snack or meal in your highchair, Xerox is the first to come out and say hello.  He knows that you will drop food for him!
Rascal runs away from you when you chase him around the house.  He used to find sanctuary on top of the cat tree in the living room, but since you have mastered climbing that too there is no safe zone!  You laugh hysterically when he hisses at you for pulling his tail.  He has never hurt you though... not yet anyway!

All About You!
Now, you are a rambunctious little boy.  You climb on everything and get into everything!

When we take you to the park, you are more interested in looking at the trees than playing on the playground.  You love music, bright colors, and being tossed in the air.
You are a mover!  You liked your activity center so much, that I caught you trying to get into it to the point of getting stuck and hurting yourself.  I had to hide it from you!  You could really move in that thing!  You would charge full speed across the tile floors and slide your heels in order to stop.
You like to drum on things.  You don't even need tools- you use your hands.  You drum your hands on the couch, the floor, the cabinets, dining room chairs, anything that you can get to.
You like the water.  Now that you can really splash in the tub, that is about all that you do in there!  The whole bathroom is soaking wet by the time that you are done in there!
You are a great eater.  Your favorite things are spaghetti squash and pasta.  You like to share with the kitties by dropping food on the floor and even like to share with your Dad and I.  You aren't a fan of melon but you will never pass up a chance to snack on oranges or cherry fruit cocktail.

The house is in constant disarray- always covered in books, stuffed animals, blocks, sippy cups and sticky floors- but I wouldn't have it any other way.  You are our greatest accomplishment and we look forward to the gentleman that you will grow to be.  You have been such a joy in our lives.  We can't image a life without you. 

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