Here's the before shot of our living room- in all it's futon inhabited glory:
Before we decided on a couch to drop a couple hundred bucks on- I had a heavy list of criteria that needed to be met:
1. Our living room is not massive, so a sectional was not preferred, although a chaise would not be a total veto.
2. It's no secret that we have cats and that cats like to scratch things. I wanted to find us a couch that was not cat-scratch friendly.
3. Absolutely, positively, NO leather!
4. The back cushions have to be attached to the couch. The reason for this? The cats loved lying on top of the back cushions on my last couch which resulted in mushy cushions that needed to be re-stuffed to be more firm. Also, vacuuming the couch to remove cat hair was more difficult with cushions that moved around and got hair all the way around them. (Yes, I notice how much the cats are factoring into our decision- but it's completely necessary!)
5. I did not want a suede or suede-esque couch. I do not enjoy getting up from the couch and seeing my nice big rump imprinted in the fabric of the couch. I have enough anxiety as it is- I don't need to have it on display on our sofa! Ha ha!
Phew. Who knew that a couch would even exist that met all those standards that would be our style, comfortable, and affordable? Well, it does- and we found it! Plus, we bought around a holiday- so there was a deal for 15% off :)
Here's the new addition to our home:
Here it is! We got ourselves one comfy couch- complete with a chaise and FAUX leather! It is made of that suede-like material but with the seams that criss-cross through the cushions there are no imprints of our behinds to be seen :) We are happy campers- and as you can tell from the picture, the cats also approve.
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